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C Series

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C Series

  • What we did

    Brand strategy, Brand architecture, Planning, Naming, Visual identity, Package design, Graphic design, Motion design, Copy writing


    Partner : Kimura Soap Co.,Ltd.
    Creative direction, planning, design : Takumu Imoto
    Product photography : Yoichi Nakamura ( Xrossing )


    Japan Package Design Awards 2019

  • “ニッチな用途”にフォーカスした掃除用消耗品シリーズ

    A cleaning consumables series focused on niche applications

    “C Series”は、石鹸メーカーの木村石鹸と共に開発した、家事に役立つニッチな用途の製品をラインナップしたシリーズ。broomでは、コンセプト開発、ネーミング、コミュニケーション戦略、VI、パッケージ、各種ツールの制作等、包括的なデザイン・ディレクションを担当しました。

    "C Series" is a lineup of products developed in collaboration with Kimura Soap, a soap manufacturer, focusing on niche household applications. At broom, I oversaw comprehensive design direction including concept development, naming, communication strategy, VI (visual identity), packaging, and the production of various tools for this line of products.

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    Want to redesign a mismatched product


    Initiating the project stemmed from the request to redesign the diverse range of products created throughout the nearly 100-year history of "Kimura Soap". Despite having numerous products in the market, the company faced a challenge of insufficient recognition. Addressing this issue meant more than just altering the "appearance". We began contemplating strategies starting from repositioning in the market and reconsidering how to promote the products, hoping to overcome this situation.


    “装い” を改めるだけでなく、しっかりと強みを確立する

    Not just altering the "appearance", but firmly establishing strengths

    様々な用途で使えるような汎用性の高い商品はリデザインの対象に含めず、ニッチな用途のものだけをセレクト・ラインナップし、掃除において細かいところまで綺麗にできる=「かゆいところに手が届くシリーズ」として強みを確立することを提案。リデザイン以前から、課題を抱えながらも売れ続けてきた製品群は、木村石鹸の礎であり、クラフトマンシップの集積であると位置づけ、「KIMURA SOAP’S CRAFTSMANSHIP SINCE 1924」というステートメントを設計、略して「C Series」と名つけました。

    We propose focusing on establishing strengths by not including versatile products suitable for various purposes in the redesign, but rather selecting and lineup niche-specific items. These items will target "itchy spots" in cleaning—small areas that require attention, positioning them as the "Reaching the Itchy Spots Series". Prior to the redesign, the product range, despite facing challenges, continued to sell consistently, forming the foundation of Kimura Soap and representing the accumulation of craftsmanship. We designed a statement "KIMURA SOAP’S CRAFTSMANSHIP SINCE 1924" and abbreviated it as the "C Series".

C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series
C Series

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