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  • Ryosuke Sakamoto
  • Ryosuke Sakamoto

    Founder / Designer, director

    坂本 諒介 / 代表取締役・デザイナー・ディレクター / 1989年栃木県佐野市生まれ。幼少期は、祖父母が手がける木工所で模型をつくったり、油絵に打ち込んだりして過ごす。多摩美術大学環境デザイン学科にて、空間・立体のデザインを学ぶ。卒業後は、インテリアデザイン事務所に勤務し、商業施設やオフィス、展示空間等の設計に携わる。17年 井本と共にbroomを設立、翌年法人化。アート領域や家具デザインなどのバックボーンと、空間デザインの深い知見を軸に、多様なプロジェクトに参画。

    Born in 1989 in Sano, Tochigi Prefecture. In his early childhood, he spent his time making models at the carpentry shop that his grandparents managed and devoting himself to oil painting. Learned space and three-dimensional design at the Department of Environmental Design at Tama Art University. After graduating, worked at an interior design office, working on the design of commercial facilities, offices, exhibition spaces, and so on. In '17, established broom inc. with Imoto and became incorporated the next year. Takes part in planning various projects with a focus on his firm foundation in product design, and art, as well as his knowledge of spatial design.


    Spatial design, Environment, 3DCG

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